News for 05.14.21
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While all eyes around the globe followed Apollo 16 Astronaut Charlie Duke to the moon and back, no one saw the lonely depression that consumed Dotty, Charlie’s wife. Outwardly she worked at keeping a smile on her face, but inwardly she struggled with the painful feelings of being unloved, disappointed in her marriage, and despairing of life itself.

No amount of work, community service, church leadership, or self-help filled the void...the ‘inner space’ of her being. Dotty was a church attender, but not a God-believer. “Could I put my trust in someone I wasn’t sure existed? Was Jesus really the Son of God? How could I forgive my husband?”

The God who saw Dotty’s sad and lonely heart also heard her silent cries for help, by answering her questions at a ‘Faith Alive Revival’ hosted by her church. Dotty arrived in despair and with a plan to end her life – until she heard the stories of people who had discovered God’s love and forgiveness.

In her book, From Sadness to Joy, Dotty writes: “For the first time in my life, I felt loved, freedom and new life.”

Perhaps Dotty’s questions and struggles have been yours as well. Do you know someone who is trying to ‘hold on’ between life and death? Come, and bring a friend to hear Dotty Duke tell her story that is literally ‘out of this world.’