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New Sermon Series - The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians

We are beginning a new sermon series - The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians: Living as Citizens of the Kingdom

The apostle Paul wrote this beloved letter while in a Roman prison about A.D. 60.  In Paul’s day, Ephesus was the capital of Roman government in Asia - a large and prosperous port city on the west coast of present day Turkey.  It was home to the temple of Artemis (Diana to the Romans) worshipped as the goddess of hunting, wild animals, forests, childbirth, and fertility.  The temple ranked as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world - making the region prosperous and proud from the sale of silver statues and artifacts.  The Ephesians were known for their ‘anything goes’ attitude about religion and morality.  Sound familiar?

Today the church buildings and the pagan monuments of Ephesus are gone - but the church victorious remains!  Believers for nearly 2000 years have taken seriously Paul’s counsel to the Ephesians - finding every word relevant and urgently needed in their day.  And so must we!


  • Chapters 1-3 soar with theological insight - revealing the glorious riches of God’s grace “…which he has lavished upon us…” (Ephesians 1:8)
  • Chapters 4-6 reveal the practical outcome of God’s grace for the Church (the body of Christ) and for individuals and families.


The letter ends with a command and challenge to “…be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” (Ephesians 6:10)  Then as now, Paul calls the Church of Jesus Christ to be outfitted with the invincible armor of God - so that we “…may be able to withstand in the evil day…” (Ephesians 6:13)

Is anything more needed in our day?



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